Thursday, August 15, 2013

Love They Neighbor

Hello All, 

I am not sure if you are aware but a couple in Colorado is threatening to sue their next door neighbor because they have placed a ramp in front of their home to move their 16 year old daughter who has cerebral palsy in and out of their home easier. This hit me hard and I wanted to give them a piece of my mind. Below is a letter I have drafted for them in hopes they will read it. 

Dear Ignorant Neighbors,

As I was driving to work this morning I heard about your story on the radio. As a sister of a child who has cerebral palsy, I must say that I am utterly DISGUSTED at your response to the Giesegh families issue. From my understanding, your residence is located in a newly constructed neighborhood in which there is an option for have homes specially designed for individuals whom have cerebral palsy. I would know because my parents purchased a home in a newly constructed neighborhood where they were given that option and for you to go up to the contractors and complain about a ramp because your property values will decline is completed appalling. Property values do not decline for ramps being outside of a home owner’s front door, however they do go down when ignorant, discriminatory individuals reside in that neighborhood. Your attitudes regarding the ramp in front of the Giesegh family’s home, puts in that category. I don’t think you thought that through, did you?

 I am not aware if you have observed your neighbor and how they handle their 16 year old daughter but it is not easy. Having a child with cerebral palsy is very stressful as it is. Can you imagine having to lift a 120 pound individual multiple times a day 365 days a year? Having to take care of all their needs 24/7 for the rest of their life? Do you understand what this does to you physically, emotionally and mentally? Don’t get me wrong, I would never give my sister up for the world, nor would any other parent with a special need child and the Giesegh family does not need your pity or sympathy. However, what they need is an understanding neighbor.

 Children are beautiful in general; however children with special needs are something else. They are so welcoming, humble and bring light to your life. For lack of a better word, you guys are MONSTERS. I have never encountered such self-loving individuals. Considering your community does not have a Homeowners Association your case will not go very far, not to mention that city has no problem against this ramp. You are simply wasting your time and energy and most importantly the Giesegh family’s money and energy which could be spent on their daughter and family. No court room judge in their right mind would rule in your favor.

As a matter of fact, if anyone should be taking anyone to court, it should be the Giesegh family for your harassment and discrimination. With all do respect, please leave them alone and focus on bettering your own life and maybe take an ethics class. You might learn a thing or two. (:

Best Wishes,

A Pissed Off Individual

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